A History of Arms


1776: US Declaration of Independence from Great Britain

1789: US Constitution signed

1791: 10 Amendments made to the US Constitution known as The Bill of Rights (there are an additional 17 for 27 total amendments)

An amendment, by definition, is to make a change to a document. In the late 1780s a decision was made to make amendments (e.g. changes) to the original document (i.e. constitution) that added clarity on how America would govern itself. These first 10 amendments reflected updated thinking on various topics from how we handle free speech, criminals and the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms was mainly to empower the people to revolt against a tyrannical (i.e. cruel) government.

226 years later "We The People" have been raised up to bear more arms against one another than fighting against a tyrannical government. And even if the government were to become tyrannical, you do realize that they spend over $600 billion on defense and have drones and nuclear weapons? Last time I checked, you can’t bring a gun to a drone/nuke fight.

That said, I'm curious, by definition of the second amendment why do "We The People" need guns again?